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Can jealousy of others friendships be good or bad, when I see others with close friends I’m so so Jealous..?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-03 18:31:22

Social Science

Can jealousy of others friendships be good or bad, when I see others with close friends I’m so so Jealous..?

5 answers

  • Anonymous

    Friendships are not long lasting relationships, spouses, kids, parents and siblings are. Better be happy for having them

  • Anonymous

    So find yourself some friends of your own

  • Anonymous

    Jealousy is NEVER a good thing in any circumstance.

  • Anonymous

    You've got a lot to learn before you beat me. Try again, kiddo!

  • Anonymous

    Jealousy is a bad trait. It is not about etiquette either. It is never good.

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