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Have you ever worried about your cholesterol or blood pressure?

Health by Anonymous 2018-07-09 13:39:34

Social Science

Have you ever worried about your cholesterol or blood pressure?

12 answers

  • Anonymous

    yes, my cholesterol has been high so i have to take meds for it

  • Anonymous

    No. By Lipids run very high and so does my blood pressure if I am not on medications to control those things. I watch my diet and take my medications and do not worry. My Doctor is paid to worry about such things so I do not need to.

  • Anonymous

    Heavens no, my doctor tells me I'm the healthiest person she knows, if all her patients were as healthy as me she'd be out of business, her words not mine.

  • Anonymous

    No, never had to luckily

  • Anonymous

    My cholesterol is fine G and right now my BP is WOW! its 140 over 88. It must be because I'm answering your questions. ;-)

  • Anonymous

    Yes. I take medications for both. (I take medication for hypertension (high blood pressure) AND postural hypotension (low blood pressure on standing).)

  • Anonymous

    Both have always been either at the levels they are supposed to be or very low. Just got everything tested too, and it call came back good as gold.

  • Anonymous

    No.For the last 20 years i’ve had high blood pressure with readings of 190/100 plus which is high but I am still here and it is cancer that will kill me not blood pressure and as for cholesterol I refuse to take statins to control it

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    I guess not as much as I should, but so far no problems.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    No. I've had some major health issues but those have never been problems for me.

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