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I’m an obsessive, very depressed Person with no friends and people generally despise me. Is that why I spend so much time on Y!A Politics?

Health by Anonymous 2018-07-08 20:10:07

Social Science

I’m an obsessive, very depressed Person with no friends and people generally despise me. Is that why I spend so much time on Y!A Politics?

10 answers

  • Anonymous

    The good news is that you do not have an inferiority complex. The bad news is that you really are inferior.

  • Anonymous

    Good for you

  • Anonymous

    Gardening is a good hobby.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Maybe...maybe not.

  • Anonymous

    Yes and it's an endless cycle you get that way because you spend time in that

  • Anonymous

    Thats why I am here.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Try Zoloft.

  • Anonymous


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