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My foreskin stinks?

Health by Anonymous 2018-07-09 03:10:38

Social Science

My foreskin stinks?

6 answers

Recently I had been able to pull my foreskin back and I started to wash it but it still stinks after i wash it. Also i dont wash it with soap because i heard you are not suppose to. Does it stink because i dont use soap? If not, what else can it be?

  • Anonymous

    a bit of neuter soap you can use (baby soap is better), just don t put it in the hole, and rinse it well

  • Anonymous

    Well I have foreskin and it just takes some washing. I use Dove soap and nothing bad has happened.

  • Anonymous

    its natures poor design,,,,,,,,a catchall for foreign matter and breeding place for germs,,,,so much upkeep that guys dont do

  • Anonymous

    You can very well use the bathing soap for cleaning . Pull back the foreskin everyday while bathing, clean with warm water and soap to remove accumulated smegma and foul smelling . Enjoy , Regards,.

  • Anonymous

    You must use soap. That won't hurt you if you're not specifically sensitive or allergic.

  • Anonymous

    You can use soap, you just should not use the soap to run it directly on penis. ...lather your hands and then wash it once or twice a week other days just use warm water.

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