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If you didn’t play sports in high school, you’re not a Real American. Agree?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-07-06 20:14:09

Social Science

If you didn’t play sports in high school, you’re not a Real American. Agree?

13 answers

  • Anonymous

    when I was in high school, I was in a bowling league. The sports in mu highschool did not interest me though, except for track but I probably would not be fast enough to make it on the team A real American loves the constitution

  • Anonymous

    No, but I did play in the marching band.

  • Anonymous

    What BS. I didn't play sports in high school, because I couldn't. I wasn't allowed to. But I'm as American as they come. I was born here, I grew up here, and I still live and work in the US. Playing sports has nothing to do with a person's nationality.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    No. Plenty of US student don’t participate in sports

  • Anonymous

    No. Some of us were not allowed to.

  • Anonymous

    Hell, I had 3 paper routes in 5th grade to 8th, shut up.

  • Anonymous

    I went (was forced by parents) to go to a private Christian school.. we didn’t have a sports team. ( they do now and the tuition has skyrocketed).

  • Anonymous

    Wow, take that nerds!

  • Anonymous

    Very American of you, telling everyone how they should live their lives. Wait. That was part of Lenin's 5 year plan. That was a Hitler requirement also.

  • Anonymous

    You're a real American, just not All-American, which is an athletic distinction.

  • Anonymous

    Sure why not deport me already!

  • Anonymous


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