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Computers & Internet by Anonymous 2018-09-08 12:55:00
Social Science
Can I get in trouble for using my neighbors wifi?
5 answers
Needs Answer 1 First let me start out by saying i'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i'm just looking for advice and anyone that can answer my questions on this. Okay, so here's the story. About a month ago, my neighbor moved in at the house next to me. Over the weeks, we started making...
It is never a legal thing to do; but the illegality varies from jurisdiction to the next. And the act has obvious thievery component too.
It’s against the law
no but ask first politely to use it
Its Illegeal You should try a legal way.
Theft of resource - and the provider can identify you through your phone and computer - every device has a unique tag that is recorded.