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For high school graduates to wear flip flops or beach sandals at graduation, can that be inappropriate?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-08 18:18:19

Social Science

For high school graduates to wear flip flops or beach sandals at graduation, can that be inappropriate?

6 answers

a) yes b) no When you answer, can you give me an explanation?

  • Anonymous

    Wear what you want as long it is not against any dress codes

  • Anonymous

    I would go with statement "B" However if you still want to wear sandals, I suggest that you wear sandals like Birkenstocks or sandals that has a heel strep.

  • Anonymous

    I don't care what you wear, as long as you wear something that won't get you arrested for indecent exposure.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    no appropriate, comes off to casual for the occasion, makes it seem like you don't respect the occasion etc. dress up.

  • Anonymous

    I think it is inappropriate. Even though that is a joyful event, there is an expectation of proper decorum - and sandals don't fit.

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